About us

The Postharvest Education Foundation (PEF) is a non-profit public charity, established in Oregon in 2011, and granted 501 (3)(c) tax exemption status by the IRS in the USA (FEIN 45-1240017).
It has been established to provide motivation, training and mentoring for young postharvest professionals around the world. As volunteers for the Foundation, we currently work with a wide range of clientele including trainers in NGOs, horticulture companies, extension workers, research scientists, postharvest professionals and graduate students in Africa, South Asia, SE Asia and the Middle East. You can find our discussion group “Postharvest Training” on LinkedIn, where more than 18,000 members interact and assist one another with a wide variety of postharvest research activities, educational programs and outreach/extension work. https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3770124/

Our Mission

The mission of PEF is to provide innovative programs that motivate and empower people with the aim of reducing global food losses, and maintaining quality, market value, nutritional value and food safety


  • Conducting a variety of postharvest e-learning programs for young professionals who work with small-scale farmers in developing countries
  • Providing free access to postharvest training materials for those who are involved in extension work and training of farmers, produce handlers, small-scale food processors, and marketers
  • Supplying the postharvest tools and basic equipment for use in applied research and for improving practical field operations
  • Organizing postharvest workshops for e-learners who complete the e-learning programs
  • Offering long-term mentoring for participants in e-learning programs and other postharvest enthusiasts via social networking websites
  • Conducting short courses, study tours, and workshops
  • Providing advice and guidance for establishing local postharvest training and services centers (PTSC)


PEF works to achieve the objectives through a three-pronged approach, all managed by volunteers.

Our team

PEF has had professionals from more than 10 different countries who have served as voluntary board members and actively participated in the activities of the organization since its founding in 2011.

Present Board of Directors (2024-25)

Dr. Vijay Yadav Tokala (India)

Dr Vijay has over 10 years of experience and worked as a consultant in areas such as agriculture, livelihoods, capacity building, value chain development, supply chain strengthening, and policymaking for clientele in different regional and international projects. Previously, he worked as a Senior Consultant at Ernst and Young LLP, India, and as an Assistant Professor at Amity University. He also held the position of Teaching Assistant for 4 years at Curtin University, Australia, and as ‘Horticulture Officer’ in the Government of Andhra Pradesh (India) with duties as a field consultant and extension officer. Vijay holds a Ph.D. in Environment & Agriculture from Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia, with a specialization in Horticulture Postharvest Physiology. He is well-versed and experienced in the production and postharvest aspects of horticulture crops of different climatic zones. He has edited books on postharvest capacity building and cold chain management, published more than 40 research papers in peer-reviewed journals, and presented papers at several national and international platforms. He holds strong research and consultancy experience in postharvest management and cold chain requirements of the crops, conducts value chain analysis, and possesses the capacity to work with different international stakeholders along the supply chain

Dr Lisa Kitinoja (USA)

Dr. Lisa is a private horticultural consultant with over 30 years of experience, specializing in postharvest loss assessment and training of postharvest trainers. She serves as the principal consultant for Postharvest Innovations LLC, Founder of The Postharvest Education Foundation, and an independent consultant for the Global Cold Chain Foundation (ACES Project in Kenya and Rwanda, India postharvest loss assessments), among other organizations. Previously, she held positions as Senior Technical Advisor at WFLO, Postharvest Advisor at FES, and postharvest expert/ writer for UNFAO. She has completed numerous short-term technical assistance (STTA) assignments for organizations such as GAIN, Agribusiness Associates Inc, icipe (Kenya), TAHA (Tanzania), WFLO (now GCCF), AgLand, Chemonics, DAI, Winrock International, CHF, IARW, Africare, ICARDA, World Bank, USDA TMS, UC Davis, Cornell University, The Ohio State University, GCCA, TPG, and SCS-Group. Lisa has been involved as a postharvest trainer or consultant in various international horticultural projects, including UN FAO Save Food, Ceres 2030, BD4FS, PACCD, Hort CRSP (Tanzania), Hort Innov Lab (Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda), WFLO Appropriate Postharvest Technologies Project (for BMGF), ATUT and AERI (Egypt, USAID funded), Indonesian Cold Chain Development and AMARTA (Indonesia), CEDARS and CEDARS-Plus (CHF, Lebanon), ACE and DASP (India).

Dr. Diane M. Barrett (USA)

Dr. Barrett is a Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Davis.  She has actively engaged with the fruit and vegetable processing industry in California, serving as a technical liaison to numerous key stakeholders. These included the California League of Food Processors, Institute of Food Technologists, Food Products Association, American Frozen Food Institute, Canned Food Alliance, and other industry associations. She also collaborated with commodity and advisory boards, relevant state and federal government personnel, and both farm and home advisors. Diane’s contributions extended beyond liaison activities, encompassing research and the development of extension courses specifically tailored for the fruit and vegetable processing industry. These courses covered a wide range of topics, including Advanced Process Technologies, Better Process Control, Freezing Technology, Juice Processing, Tomato Processing, Fresh-Cut Products, and Aseptic Processing & Packaging

Gurbinder Singh Gill (USA)

Mr. Gill possesses over 30 years of experience across the agricultural value chain, demonstrating expertise in various areas. These include business development, licensing, managing public-private partnerships (PPPs), corporate affairs (engaging with government and industry associations), and navigating the business cycle (from start-up to turnaround).  His primary business, Agribusiness Associates Inc, also has experience in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), encompassing prospecting, acquisition, and integration, both within India and international markets. His experience encompasses developing market entry strategies, project management, leading diverse teams of sales and technical personnel, and successfully managing transitions during integration following mergers and acquisitions


  • Dr. Lisa Kitinoja (Founder)
  • Dr. Diane M. Barrett
  • Dr. Adel A. Kader
  • Dr. Devon Zagory
  • Cathy Kitinoja
  • Patrick D. Brown
  • Dr. Symantha Holben
Founding Board (2011). Adel A. Kader, Diane M. Barrett, Lisa Kitinoja, Devon Zagory and Patrick Brown.

Past Board Members

We thank all of our past and present board members, representing postharvest training efforts in more than 10 countries, who continue to provide advice, support and mentoring.

Dr Deirdre Holcroft (France)

Guy Kodjogbe

Dr Aditya Parmar

Dr Olubukola M. Odeyemi (Nigeria)

Dr Majeed Mohammed (Trinidad & Tobago)

Dr Hala Chahine-Tsouvalakis

Dr Devon Zagory

Dr E.V.D. Sastry

Cathy Kitinoja

Bertha Mjawa

Edoh Ognakossan Kukom (Togo and Mali)
Symantha Holben (Madagascar)